Selenium Testing in PHP with Codeception

TestCon Vilnus 2017

Michael Bodnarchuk

Let's talk about PHP

Modern PHP


Features of PHP

Legacy PHP

if (isset($_GET['code'])) {
  if (strval($_SESSION['state']) !== strval($_GET['state'])) {
    die('The session state did not match.');
  $_SESSION['token'] = $client->getAccessToken();
  header('Location: ' . $redirect);
Fixing a bug in legacy PHP may look like this

Dark Ages

Modern PHP

namespace Acme\HelloBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;

class HelloController extends Controller
    * @Route("/{id}", requirements={"name" = "\w+"})
    public function indexAction($name)
        return $this->render(
            'Hello:index.html.twig', ['name' => $name]
Fixing bugs in modern PHP like a boss
[motivational picture]

PHP Today

Selenium Webdriver



Selenium WebDriver Code

$search = $wd->findElement(WebDriverBy::id('js-command-bar-field'));
// typing into field
// pressing "Enter"
$firstResult = $wd->findElement(WebDriverBy::cssSelector('ul#list li'));

Testing Frameworks


Install Codeception

// Custom method
// Navigate to the Media Library
$I->amOnPage( '/wp-admin' );
$I->click('New Media');
$I->waitForText( 'Upload New Media' );

// Add new file
$I->attachFile( 'input[type="file"]', 'team.jpg' );

// Wait for upload
$I->waitForElement( '.edit-attachment', 20 );

// Assertion
$I->see( 'Edit Media' );

Let's remove PHP stuff

This code can be easily read by non-PHP developers
I loginAsAdmin
I amOnPage '/wp-admin'
I click 'New Media' 
I waitForText 'Upload New Media' 
I attachFile 'input[type="file"]', 'team.jpg' 
I waitForElement '.edit-attachment', 20
I see 'Edit Media' 

Codeception Tests


Page Objects in Codeception

// routes
public static $rootUrl  = '/tasks';

// UI elements
public $viewButton = ['css' => 'a.view'];

// actions
public function createTask($task)
  $I = $this->i;
  $I->click('Add Task');
  $I->fillField('To do', $task);

Using PageObjects in Tests

public function viewTask(AcceptanceTester $I, 
  \Page\Task $taskPage)
  // create initial data
  $this->taskId = $taskPage->createTask('Finish the test'); 
  $I->amOnPage($tasksPage->rootUrl); // move to page
  $I->see('Displaying 1-1 of 1 result.','.summary');
  $I->click($taskPage->viewButton); // using PageObject
  $I->see('Finish the test', 'h2'); 

Step by Step Report

Test: view task
Scenario --
  \Page\TaskPage: createTask                      
     I am on page "/tasks"
     I click 'Add Task'
     I fill field 'To do', 'Finish the test'
     I click 'Create'               
  I see 'Displaying 1-1 of 1 result.','.summary'
  I click { css: 'a.view'}
  I see 'Finish the test', 'h2'

Complex End 2 End Test

/** @after deleteWebSite */
public function editWebSite(
  \AcceptanceTester $I, 
  \Page\WebSite $page, 
  \Page\WebSiteForm $editPage)
    $this->websiteId = 'site'.sq(1);
    $page->createWebSite(['id' => $this->websiteId]);
    $I->see('Update '.$page->websiteName, 'h1');
    $editPage->update(['name' => 'EditedSite'.sq(2)]);
    $I->expect('new website name is in grid')
    $I->dontSee($page->websiteName, $page->grid);
    $I->see('EditedSite'.sq(2),$ page->grid);

Test Output

Edit website (\WebsiteCest::editWebsite)
* I login 
  I am on page "/site/login/"
  I fill field "E-mail",""
  I fill field "Password","dummy123"
  I check option "Remember me"
  I click {"css":".rebilly-login-button"}
  I see "Overview","h1"
* \Page\WebSite: createWebSite {"id": "site_559fa20cda337"}
  I am on page "/websites/add"
  I see "Add Website"
  I fill field "Website Id","site_559fa20cda337"
  I fill field "Website Name","web-test"
  I fill field "Domain",""
  I fill field "Customer Service Phone","123456789"
  I fill field "Customer Service Email",""
  I fill field "Webhook Url",""
  I click "Save Website"
  I wait 1            


HTML Report

BDD in Codeception

BDD Example

Feature: content
  In order to manage content article in the web
  As an owner
  I need to unpublish content article
    Given Joomla CMS is installed
  Scenario: Create an Article
    Given There is a add content link
    When I create new content with "My_Article"
    Then I should see "Article successfully saved."       

BDD step implementation

 * @When I create new content with :title
public function iCreateNewContent($title)
  $I = $this->i;
  $I->fillField(self::$title, $title);
  $I->scrollTo(['css' => 'div.toggle-editor']);

Enhanced BDD
Solving Bug == Feature antipattern

Combine tests and features:

How to Wait For Elements

Other Notable Features

Test Data Management




I'm Michael Bodnarchuk 🐦 @davert